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R'Club History

In 1974 Mrs. Barbara Finck, a retired elementary school principal, brought the community's attention to the lack of supervision of school age children because their parents were working. Based on surveys with 39 Pinellas County School Principals, 3,509 children were classified as "latchkey" children.

A formal survey conducted throughout the Pinellas County School System established that parents of 15,000 children between five and twelve years of age wanted supervised, developmental programs for their children in school facilities.

R’Club, incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in 1976, responded to this need for high quality, accessible and affordable school age child care and established the first cooperative community programs in Pinellas County.

Over the years, R’Club has responded to and anticipated community needs, to become a pioneer and leader in the provision of youth development programs and services, serving more than 4,000 children and their families a day.